Thursday, October 29, 2009

I keep forgetting to photograph my goodies and post them here!

I got this today at a local thrift store. It was $2 and I got a 15% senior discount too. The gold spoon is metal. It says stainless on the back so I'm thinking it is gold plated but probably not with gold. Beautiful set though.

Earlier this week I stopped at Trader Buck's and ended up getting the rest of this stuff. I love unusually shaped tins or those with an especially nice scene.

This one came with two dozen crocheted and starched snowflakes. They are crocheted in big thread and are probably 4" - 5" diameter. I really didn't want them, though I knit, crochet and tat. I'll find a good home for them though.

Everything I got at this place was $1.00 except this candy dish which was $3.00. It's nice and heavy - nothing on the bottom so I have no idea where it may be from.

I have so many butterfly motifs on so many things that I hesitated to buy this but they're on the inside too! How could I resist?

I love plates with decorative holes in them. Notice the inconsistent pattern and spacing of the holes? I'm guessing this was a reject but there is nothing on the back to identify it.

Here's a closeup of the lovely soft flowers on the plate.

That's it for now. Will try to remember to post on here!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The past few weeks I've been admiring other people's great bargains and bemoaning the fact that I haven't been recording my own! These are some but there are way more!

These hooks were in an old alka seltzer glass tube. I don't think alka seltzer is even sold like that anymore.

These were the prize hooks out of the bunch. The hairpin lace loom was nice too. I have bigger ones but none that small.

This was one of my favorite finds. Only $3.00 but I suspect it should have 6 glasses instead of 5. No matter. It's on my table as a centerpiece right now.

In my last post, many many months ago, I showed this stand. I didn't think it could hold earrings successfully but it has and they are so handy on here!

This was in a tin of sewing supplies. A few years ago, I was looking for a vendor of 3 hole buttons for a project and what I found was way too expensive. A certain shirt manufacturer was known for these unique buttons - but I don't remember who it was. LOL!

I actually bought a couple of different wine glasses at Goodwill one day. Very cheap.

I like to collect small ceramic boxes in unusual shapes. I have a square one, a round one, and this fan shaped one. I probably have a heart one someplace too.

There is so much I haven't recorded! I've been putting many of them on my tatting blog so then I don't get around to posting here. Oh well....hopefully I will show what I do with things once I've repurposed them. I have a great chair that I just need to replace the seat in. A Gossip Bench that needs a little work. A quilt rack that is still in the garage from being spray painted. WhooWhoo! It'll get on here eventually.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bummer - I haven't posted anything in ages. I've made purchases but haven't posted. Holidays were busy and then life got in the way.

I've been using this to hang my earrings on. I was worried that it would tip over easily but it's been 3 months now and everything is good. I meant to take a photo of it with the earrings on it but .... obviously I haven't yet.

And this is holding a plant although it is not yet refinished in something besides chipped off-yellow. LOL!

I've also got a "chair" which I need to replace the seat on. Some plates, tins, gift stuff. Hopefully in a few months I'll be able to start fixing all these things up and displaying, using or gifting them!