Several months ago I stumbled upon a blog that featured thrift store finds....right up my alley of fun, I have to say. I enjoyed it, probably bookmarked it, and promptly forgot about it.
I do lots of thrifting myself...and today, I was just so damned pleased with my finds that I felt I really needed to start showing them off. This isn't all I got but I think they are the most significant.

I've pretty much stopped getting tins but I have a crafty exchange coming up for the holidays and I can use this to put some little gifts in. It's perfect in size and shape. 49¢

I don't drink a lot of wine but I do like it and I always have a few bottles handy. This is the perfect container for the few that I have. I know wine is supposed to be stored on its side, but this is fine for what I have short-term. $1.99

I was inspired to get this because of a lace friend's display of some of her work. I'm pretty sure it will hold some of my own this holiday. The bottom is not nicked - just looks that way with the carpet curling up over the edge. 99¢

I love these shadowbox frames, especially the lighter green ones. They match my walls perfectly and they are the perfect size to hold one of my tea-for-ones or something equally bigger than a framed flat picture. The larger one could hold some of my other tea paraphenelia but I will need to repaint that one. The lighter green ones were 99¢ each and the bigger one was $1.99.
I also bought a lacy black shawl and a black shirt with the most intriguing design details - both were 50% off the regular $3.99 price.