Thursday, June 19, 2008

This adorable wooden penquin was a purchase a week or so ago from Trinity Mission. I had him sitting on top of a bookcase and forgot to put him here but I was photographing the stuff I bought a few days ago from Goodwill and remembered him. I love penguins and have a glass paperweight in the shape of a penguin from another thrift store hunt several years ago.

When you open him (or her) up, there is another one! But only one. Perhaps there were more originally but I don't think any bigger ones since the label is at the bottom of the bigger one here. I thought the front was chipped but it was a piece of paper that I easily scraped off before taking the photo shown before this. Only $1.00!!!

I got these jewels the same day in a baggie for 75¢. I probably need to start doing something with all this costume jewelry but I'm afraid the ideas will have to continue to incubate. I really don't have a lot of spare time to devote to it until after my son's wedding....and then it's the holidays...but after that...maybe. LOL!

This is one of my favorite buys and I think I have something similar stashed away somewhere. I will take out the paper about the special babysitter and replace it with some textured paper or fabric and some tatting. If I don't give the box away, I will store some special tatting shuttles in it.

See? Plenty of room for some shuttles or it could be a jewelry box or hold change or buttons or whatever. It has an excellent finish on it.

I got this cute little take-out purse for only 49¢. The fabric is a brocade and the frog fastener holds it closed. I had a lot of trouble getting the frog closed so it wouldn't be too practical for real use, but it makes a unique container for odds and ends.

Another 49¢ purchase! There were 3 ivy edged bowls and every single one of them had a tiny chip like this one but I loved it so much I bought one anyway. I will probably put buttons or beads or something like that in it. Underneath it says, "Superior Hall Quality Dinnerware - tested & approved by Mary Dunbar, Jewel Homemakers Institue - Cameo Rose"

This was only 49¢ too. It's a pink/peach colored glass globe. I think it's newer than the antique glass of this color but I liked it anyway. I suppose you could put a candle in it...or maybe a small rose with water.

I also got some clothing but I don't think it's exciting enough to put here. Maybe another time.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I decided to make a quick stop in at Goodwill today after I left the post office. I was actually looking for another swimsuit to use in my water aerobics but none to be had except one that I'm sure is wa-a-a-a-y too big. I never look at the belts. I've never ever in my life had a small waist even when I was small otherwise. It's just not in my genetic makeup, but I happened to be right in front of them and lots of people were around so I couldn't move easily so I let some sparkle catch my eye. Do you know that belts are only 99¢ each at Goodwill? And I hit the jackpot!

I found THREE of them that had beads well worth the purchase price. That's what I told myself to justify buying something that I can probably never wear, but they are in excellent condition, every one of them! I love these big jewels! I'm thinking surely they go with someone's belly-dancing costume.

I just love the stones on this one but it is actually something I could wear too. I tried all of them on when I got home and I could wear this one and the jeweled one. Of course, all these workouts I'm doing have got to pay off sooner or later, don't they? LOL! I suspect I could find another use for this too without taking it apart.

This one is too small and probably always will be too small for me. I even tried to make it a necklace, but it just bunches up all wrong. This one also reminds me of something you would wear with a belly dancing costume.

I love this tin box. I think it is long enough to hold my bookmarks. It has some kind of Oriental characters on the sides. It's in excellent condition - no rust or worn spots or scratches. Only 49¢!!!

I also got 4 tops and a reindeer candle holder but I'll spare you those images this time. LOL! I'm a happy happy thrifter today!